Broken Rules: A Stand Alone Romance Read online

Page 14

  “I’m here,” he crooned softly in her ear. “Everything is going to be all right.”


  She jerked away from Damien, looking for who had called her name.

  And then she saw him—Skeevie Stevie, a.k.a. Detective Hastings was running toward them. Her heart sank.

  The FBI had followed her.

  Chapter Twenty One

  “No,” she screamed and charged at the slender man with soft brown curls and wire-rimmed glasses. She barreled into him. He fell back, skidding down the ramp. Her heart hammering, she continued her assault, shoving him, trying to force him over the edge and into the water. Tears blurred her eyes. “Leave us alone!”

  “Stop, Savannah!”

  She twisted to see Damien’s face. “Run! He’s a cop!”

  “Savannah, it’s okay—”

  “No, you don’t understand. He must have followed me. He’s—”

  “He’s a friend,” Damien said calmly.

  She scurried back and let Damien help her to her feet. Brows drawn, her heart still racing, her gaze darted between Damien and the detective who was now climbing to his feet. Breathless, she gripped Damien’s shirt possessively and eyed her former customer warily.

  Damien crooked his thumb beneath her chin, gently forcing her to meet his gaze. “Edward and I served together. We go way back.”

  Slowly, the tension eased from her shoulders, and she released a long breath.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he started to lead her back up the ramp. “Why don’t we all go sit down.”

  A warm, salty breeze lifted her hair as she sat on the white cushioned bench built into the cockpit. Her gaze traveled the length of the towering mast.

  “Here you go, Savannah.”

  She turned and met Edward’s gaze. He stood in front of her with a martini in his outstretched hand. A sideways smile upturned one side of his mouth. “I thought I’d bring you a drink for a change.”

  Her hand shook as she reached for the glass.

  Brows drawn, he sat across from her. “Some of the crew just got back. Damien is getting rid of them. I just wanted to take this time to apologize to you. I know you’ve been through hell and that this is all really confusing, but let me just say that I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?” she muttered uneasily.

  “For being such an asshole to you when I was undercover and for not being able to tell you that Damien was okay. But mostly, I’m sorry about your grandmother.”

  Tears stung her eyes, but she fought to hold back the rush of emotion. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Damien has been out of his mind with worry. It was all I could do to keep him hidden. He wanted to go to you, but it would have blown the deal we made and put you in serious danger.”

  Confused, she shook her head. “What deal?”

  A full smile curved Edward’s lips. “Damien’s a free man.”

  “Free-ish,” Damien said, jumping down from the side deck.

  “You’re not going to prison,” Edward said pointedly.

  “Yeah, but I’m shackled to you for the next ten years.”

  Savannah couldn’t take it anymore. “What deal?”

  Damien sat down beside her and covered her hand with his. “That last day we spent together on the boardwalk, do you remember seeing Edward on the beach?”

  She nodded. “He was still dressed like that slime ball Steve he was pretending to be.”

  “That’s right. He was still undercover.” Damien paused and pressed a tender kiss to her lips before he continued. “I knew those guys from Jersey would make a move that night, so I reached out to Edward and struck a deal.”

  Edward nodded. “It didn’t take us long to work out the details, but what we didn’t count on was a third interested party showing up.”

  “What?” she exclaimed.

  Damien nodded. “The McMaster brothers from Las Vegas.”

  “Vegas and Jersey don’t play well together,” Edward explained.

  “So what happened,” Savannah asked, her hand gripping Damien’s nervously.

  “Jersey showed up just like we knew they would. But then all hell broke loose when the McMaster brothers belayed through the dining room windows. They opened fire on each other. Thankfully, Edward and his men were waiting.”

  Eyes wide, Savannah said, “So that’s why we heard gun fire.”

  Damien nodded.

  “But why did you even go,” she asked. “Why didn’t you just let the FBI handle it.”

  “Because I still wanted to steal the painting?”

  Savannah gripped her head with her hands. “I’m so confused.”

  A soft smile curved his lips. “That was part of the deal I struck with Edward. I took the painting. As far as Joe or the local police know, it was stolen by one of the gang members who got away.”

  Shaking her head in disbelief, she managed to ask, “What did you do with it?”

  His smile widened. “We shipped it anonymously to the real Baron Von Wilder’s rightful heirs.”

  Expelling a long breath, she slumped back in her seat. “I’m not sure I can handle much more, but...what else was included in this deal?”

  “I gave Edward some pretty critical details on a number of his unsolved cases in exchange for a partial pardon.”


  “I have to work for him for the next decade.”

  Edward smiled. “Now, Damien’s talents can be put to good use, and I can ensure he stays on the right side of the law.”

  She looked at Damien. “So, then your FBI now?”

  He gave her his sideways grin. “Yes, I am.”

  “Is that how you knew what flight I was on?”

  He smiled. “I could have found out before, but now I can search flight records legally.”

  “Legal is good.” She scanned Working Girl’s luxurious deck. “Speaking of legal, what about the money”

  “Most of its gone,” Damien answered simply.

  She turned to Edward. “You confiscated it.”

  Edward lifted his shoulders. “There was barely anything left to confiscate.”

  She gave Damien a curious look. “What does that mean?”

  “I just figured that if I’ve been happy enough living in hovels for the past few years, then I could make it in life not being a millionaire.”

  Edward cleared his throat. “What Damien’s not telling you is that before the operation went down, he donated twenty-two million dollars to Doctors Without Borders in honor of the deceased Sister Maria of Saint Charles church back in New Hampshire.”

  Savannah’s heart flooded. “Did you really?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “She would be so proud.”

  Damien shrugged, but a smile played at his lips. “Nonna reminded me of how much Sister Maria had believed in me and of how hard she worked to keep me out of trouble.” He lifted his shoulders. “I owe it to her, and to you, to give a normal life another shot.”

  Savannah again glanced around the sail boat. “And you think this is a normal life?”

  He laughed. “For now, it will have to do. I promised Edward I would stay out of the country until everything has blown over. So, we have no choice but to sail the world.”

  Edward leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. “We agreed on a full year. In the mean time, he will be working for me remotely.”

  She took another deep breath to try to calm her racing thoughts. “Was there anything else included in the deal?”

  Edward chuckled. “Yeah, you. But I told him he couldn’t reach out to you until the year was up. That’s why, with the money he had left, he bought this boat and hired the best sailing crew he could find. I told him he was crazy, that his plan would never work.” Smiling, Edward stood up. “I’m happy I was wrong.” He put his hands in his pockets. “I’m going to head out.” He winked at Savannah. “Maybe I’ll go find a hardworking bartender who won’t mind making me a frozen mudslide
or two.”

  She smiled. “Be kind...drink beer. Beer is easy.”

  Edward laughed. “You got it, Savvy.”

  “It’s Savannah,” she said, feigning annoyance.

  “Savannah Honey, the one and only,” the detective said, dipping his head. Then he turned on his heel, leaving Damien and Savannah alone.

  Brows drawn, Damien looked at her with such concern in his amber eyes. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when Nonna died.”

  She threw her arms around his neck, squeezing him with all her might. “I’m just so relieved that you’re all right. I thought I lost you both.”

  His strong arms surrounded her. “Savannah Honey, you will never have to worry about losing me again.”

  She pulled away and met his gaze, ready to make him promise never to leave her again. “Damien...” Frowning, she paused, then burst out laughing. “I just realized that I don’t know your last name. With a first name like Damien, I think I’ve always been too afraid to ask. It’s probably Lecter or Ripley or—”


  Her eyes widened. “Your last name is Bennet?”

  He nodded.

  “As in Lizzy Bennet...Pride and Prejudice Bennet.”

  He chuckled. “That’s right.”

  “So, if we get married one day, I get to be Savannah Bennet?”

  “Yes...when we get married,” he said pointedly.

  She squealed with delight. “You’re going to make a respectable-sounding woman out of me.”

  He smiled. “It’s the least I could do, considering you’ve made a respectable man out of me.” He cupped her cheek. “I love you, Savannah Honey. I’ve loved you since I was ten years old.

  Her heart swelled. “I love you, Damien Bennet. I’ve loved you since...since you first broke into my boss’s house.”

  He winced. “We’re going to have to come up with a different story to tell our kids.”

  She laughed. “If we’re going to sail around the world, I can dust off my dream of becoming an author. I’ll write us one hell of a story.”

  He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “Make the hero a good man.” He kissed her again.

  She cupped his cheek. “He will be. He’ll know when to follow the rules.” Then a mischievous smile curved her lips. “And when to break them.”

  A wicked glint lit his amber eyes. “Speaking of rules, do you know what I just realized?”

  “What?” she grinned.

  “I’m the captain of this here vessel. You know what that means, of course.”

  Her heart started to race. “I have to do whatever you tell me to do.”

  He stood up, gently pulling her to her feet. “My first order...go downstairs, find the big bed, and take off all your clothes.”

  She raised her brow at him. “Go downstairs? You really have to brush up on your nautical terminology.”

  He laughed. “I don’t know the first thing about sailing; hence, why I hired the best crew money could buy.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Between the two of us, I think it’s pretty obvious who should be captain.” She squealed as he grabbed her and crushed her against his chest, his eyes boring into hers.

  “Captain Savannah. Now, that’s hot. What are my first orders?”

  She swallowed hard. “Go downstairs, find the big bed, and take off all your clothes.”

  Laughing, he swept her into his arms and carried her toward the companionway. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Chapter Twenty Two


  One Year Later

  Holding tightly to Damien’s hand, Savannah Bennet threw open The Cove’s front door. Straightaway, she locked eyes with Brandi who was tending bar. Brandi’s face lit up and a squeal pealed from her lips. She raced around the counter straight at Savannah who dropped Damien’s hand and spread her arms wide.

  Brandi threw herself into Savannah’s arms. “You’re back!”

  Laughing, Savannah stumbled back from the force of Brandi’s affection, but Damien caught them both and steadied them while they continued to hug it out.

  Brandi pulled away first, her cheeks glistening with tears. “When we found your note, I burst into tears. I’ve never been so heart broken or so excited all at once. I knew you were following your heart.” She smiled at Damien. “And now, I know I was right.”

  Damien leaned over and kissed Brandi’s cheek. “It’s good to see you,” he said.

  Brandi smiled. “It’s a dream to see you and my girl.” Then her eyes flashed wide. “Wait, I want to show you something.” She rushed back behind the bar and seized a picture off the wall. Then she hurried back. “Look, we framed it.”

  Savannah took the frame from Brandi’s hand and gasped. It was her scribbled note...

  I’m leaving...

  Joe, you’re a good a better man.

  Roger, you’re my hero.

  Brandi, you are worthy. Watch after my near-the-beach house.

  William, watch after Brandi.

  Wally, I think Heather fancies you.

  Heather, ask Wally out.

  Esme, you are the bravest person I know.

  To everyone, I promise only this...I will not be gone forever. I love my Cove family!

  Tears stung Savannah’s eyes as she handed her “two-week notice” to Damien. A warm smile spread across his face as he read her words of farewell.

  “What’s all the commotion?”

  Savannah turned and met Wally’s gaze. He threw his head back and whooped when he saw her. Charging at her, he lifted her off the ground. “Welcome back, boss!”

  “Whoa, who said anything about Savannah being boss?”

  A silence fell over the reunion as Joe appeared at the bar entrance.

  Savannah raised her brow at him. “Don’t worry, Joe. I’m not looking for my old job back.”

  Brandi turned to Joe. “Please, Joe. Pretty, pretty please.”

  Wally chimed in, echoing Brandi’s pleas.

  Joe shrugged. “You heard her. She doesn’t want her old job back.”

  Savannah smiled. “I don’t want to come back full-time, but...I wouldn’t say no to a Saturday night behind the bar. You know, for old-times-sake.”

  Joe scowled at her. “What makes you think I would give you a Saturday night shift after you walked out on me.”

  “Because if you don’t, we will all walk out!”

  Everyone turned. Roger stood in the front entrance, his broad shoulders filling the doorway. “I’m serious,” Roger continued as he stormed past the hostess station into the bar area.

  Brandi moved to stand at Roger’s side. “I’ll walk!”

  Wally crossed his arms over his chest. “If I walk, then my girl, Heather, will walk, too.”

  Joe held out his hands in surrender. “I was just pretending to be a hard ass. Of course, she can have Saturday night back.” He turned and met Savannah’s gaze. “Actually, I’d like to offer you the general manager position.”

  Savannah smiled. “Thanks, Joe. I appreciate the offer, but I’ve recently published my first book, and...well...” She could feel her cheeks warm as she met Damien’s gaze.

  Smiling, he moved to stand by her side and wrapped his arm around her waist. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  The room exploded with excitement.

  Tears flooding his brown eyes, Roger hugged them both.

  Brandi raced off, calling back. “I have to get William!”

  Joe smiled at her, and for once, she almost believed it was sincere. “I’m happy for you,” he said. Then he rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen, I’ve been trying to take your advice, you know...the thing you wrote in your note.”

  Savannah nodded approvingly. “Good for you, boss.”

  Once again, Brandi rushed toward her, drawing her gaze, this time with William in tow. “She’s back! And she’s pregnant!”

  “Congratulations,” William said, giving Savannah a hug and shaking Damien’s hand.

/>   “Congratulations to you, too,” Damien said.

  Savannah turned to Damien. “What do you mean?”

  A slight smile curved his lips as he leaned close and whispered. “Look at Brandi’s left hand.”

  Savannah turned, her gaze traveling down Brandi’s arm to her hand. “Oh, my gosh! Let me see that rock!”

  Brandi flashed her engagement ring. “I’m going to be Mrs. Darcy,” she squealed.

  William’s brows drew together in confusion. “ last name is Vaughan.”

  Both Savannah and Brandi broke into laughter.

  “It’s a long story,” Brandi told William. “I’ll tell you later.”

  Wally patted William on the back. “I don’t know what they’re talking about, but if you have to teach this Mr. Darcy guy a lesson, remember I’ve got your back.”

  Savannah smiled. “Considering that Mr. Darcy is more than two-hundred years old, not to mention, fiction, I don’t think William has much to worry about.”

  “Hey, Roger and Brandi,” Joe called out. “Get back behind the bar.”

  “But we don’t open for another fifteen minutes,” Brandi argued.

  Joe looked at his watch. “Just enough time for a toast. Wally, go get the guys from the kitchen and the other servers. Roger and Brandi, start pouring the champagne.”

  “Thanks, Joe,” Savannah said as she and Damien took a seat at the bar. “Make mine an orange juice.”

  Joe smiled. “I told you. I’m trying to be a better man.” Then he gestured toward the approaching waitresses. “Here comes more evidence.”

  Esme led the way.

  Savannah stood and raced to meet her, pulling her into a fierce hug. Esme’s hair curled in a soft bob around her ears. “Look at you,” Savannah cried.

  Esme smiled. “We’ve been out back getting set up. We had no idea you were here.”

  Sam, the bar back came forward and flashed her a goofy grin.

  “I missed that smile,” Savannah said, causing a red tint to color his freckled cheeks.

  And then another girl came forward who Savannah didn’t recognize. To her surprise, the girl kissed her on the cheek and said, “Welcome back, Savannah.”